Alignment type
Font used
Height of the text
Defined space size for justified text
Space before first word in line
Text cut in lines of words
Local rendering canvas (offset buffer)
Local rendering context
Upper-left corner of text
Defined space size except for justified text
Text to render
Desired width. Should be at least large enougth to put a word on a line
calculates text rendering properties
Rendering context
Retrieves height of the text block.
Text height
Renders text on an offscreen canvas
Rendering context
Renders text on client canvas. useful for Sprite integration
Rendering context
Calculates line spacing
The line to parse
Size of text on line
If the line is the last one (Used to avoid oddly justified text)
Updates text properties
Generated using TypeDoc
Represents a managed paragraph of text. This class is not a Sprite but is easily integrable to one.